Friday, June 14, 2024

Fun Friday:Drooling Over Book Storage


All images are from

I have this corner by my bed where I keep the books I am going to read.  Right now, there is an awkward table there with makeshift shelves sitting on top of it.  It's a weird corner because I need to be able to walk between my bed and the wall, and if I put a bookcase under the window, I can't open the curtains very easily... plus it's a south facing window so sunlight is an issue.  

I can't move my bed anywhere else in the room because tall people hit their head on the ceiling fan if the bed isn't in the exact right spot... the room situation is kind of like the first photo, except the window is higher up and there's less room between the bed and the wall.   

Anyway, I have ideas of turning that specific corner by my bed into booktopia.  It will probably never happen, but I can dream.

I think the middle bookcase is the prettiest, but it's also out of my price range at $345 (on sale.)  

The top one is nice, although that front section probably wouldn't fit many/any/ enough books and the left side might be hard to access jammed up against my bed...

The bottom one spins!  This is actually the cheapest option, but I'm not sure how I feel about not being able to see everything at once...

I am also out of room on my permanent library 'please bury these with me when I die books.'  My preciouses.  They are on a 3-shelf bookcase from Target, and apparently, you can either get bookcases with 3 shelves, or 5 shelves but 4 is rare.  I can't go much taller in that space because there is a speaker (1978 is calling they want their house-wide stereo system back) and a light switch in the way.  

I like the darker colors, but my bedroom is so dusty (even with an air filter going 24/7) that it will always look dirty.  

Maybe I need a new house, not new bookcases...

# Book nerd problems?

And the answer is:  I ordered a folding corner bookcase from Amazon.  I don't know why you would want your bookcase to fold, but for $32 if I hate it, I can stick it in a different corner in the house and buy something else.  

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