Saturday, May 6, 2023

Oh Blogs...

 Fun fact: 

I like writing a blog.

Fun fact: 

no one reads them, or at least mine.

Fun fact:

I often think of deleting this, and not having a blog.

Fun fact:

once someone from Ireland clicked on my blog, that was exciting.

Fun fact: 

I can't quite make myself delete the stupid thing.  

Fun fact:

I'm keeping it for now, but it's really dis... dis something, to write into the void.

Fun fact:

No one will read this blog post either.  So why am I writing it?

Fun fact:

I don't know!  

Fun Friday Five

Five authors I need to try sooner rather than later: Jo Nesbo.  I see this authors books for sale everywhere (Goodwill, the library, the thr...