Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Life's Too Short... read boring books.

Two dnf's this week.


Which I was listening to on audio while in the car.  I made it to 32%.  Interesting premise, a woman has to 'stay awake' for some reason, and had written the message all over her body and she also finds a bloody knife in her purse.  Sounds good, right?

My issue: there are two POV's in this book, the other one is a detective trying to solve a murder after a dead body is found.  I just did not care for the detective portion of the story.  Maybe it was necessary to tell the story, but really it was just seemed like filler.  Both characers had different narrators, but I could not really tell when the POV switched by their voices.  The story was also very repetitive and not seeming to actually figure anything out.  

I have read a book from this author before and quite enjoyed it, not sure what went wrong here.

On to something else...

I also dnf'd this one at about the halfway point.  I know it's a romance, but there still has to be a plot.  The character just described nachos, and I decided enough was enough...

I'm confused why this author was the author everyone was in love with last summer.  Maybe I grabbed the wrong book...

Unfortunately, that means I've only finished one book so far this month.  Fortunately, I set my yearly goal to pages read, not books finished just for this reason. 

Maybe I am in a weird reading mood this month...but life is too short to plod through 60% or 150 more pages of a book you are not enjoying!  

And the book I picked up to replace the other two dnf's is currently sitting on the "do I want to read 400 more pages of this?"  pile.

Apparently, Brianna is not having a good reading month!  

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