Saturday, June 1, 2024

Around Here: June 2024

 Around here...


The cherries have not been eaten by birds yet.

The fig is figging quite nicely.  

The strawberries are battling slugs and winning (for now.)

The rose bush is blooming.

The blueberry bush didn't die over the winter, the huckleberry on the other hand is gone.  I wonder if someone mowed it. 

The zucchini has blossoms.

The onions are doing great.

Whatever this is, is alive and well.  It's probably a weed?  I don't know but it's doing great!

Not pictured: cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, snap peas, parsley, bell peppers, eggplant (interested if that one will produce anything or not), and rhubarb.

Reading: planning my summer reading.  Lots of longer books on the list.  Less audiobooks (because less time in the car, for now) than the last few months.

Eating: I bought a Mediterranean cookbook.  Apparently, learning to spell Mediterranean is on my summer to-do list... So far, I've made pita bread that did not pita but was delicious anyway, hummus, and several salads.  

Watching: Schitt's Creek (for the first time) and MASH (not for the first time.) 

Listening: to music on my phone because my kids broke the computer speakers.  Nothing new, same old playlist.

Waiting: for summer to start (June 18th!), oldest to start her new job (Monday) , 2nd child's zero period non-required, why are you doing this to me? class to end for the year so I can stop having to drive her to school at 7:15 am, and things in the garden to be edible.  Also, the Chip Drop (free bark chips) I requested a month ago to show up so I can use it in my yard.  It has taken so long I've had to reconfirm I still want the stuff... come on neighbors cut down a tree or something!  

Making: a mess?  I haven't been making anything recently, too busy with other stuff.  Soon craft supplies, soon.  

Life in June.  What are you up to?

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