Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Writing Wednesday

 I don't have much to say on this subject... I should be writing.  I haven't been writing.  I should not have haven't been writing... If you are reading this, you have permission to yell at me to get to work.

Current stories I could be working on:

Time travel comedy/mystery...thing:  Character I can't even remember the name of, accidentally goes to a yoga class and time travels to 1907* and can't get out.  All the time travel references and satire a time-travel nerd like me can fit in there.  I probably haven't been wanting to work on it because there's a lot of technical stuff I haven't figured out yet, like how the time travel even happened and ummm most of the plot.  Things I do know: character must have a job in the time she time traveled from that is totally and completely useless in 1907.  Any ideas?

*why 1907?  I don't know it has a nice ring to it.

The story I seem to want to write but can't get anywhere:  Nameless female character inherits a house and moves back to her "hometown" to fix it up etc etc.  The last version I was working on was a little different in that, she'd only been in the house one summer back in good old...some year in the late 1990s, and I had two points-of-view: past character as a kid, and current character as an adult which I've never tried before.  No reason I am not working on this one, except that I just haven't... 

Story I forgot I started about a job-less mom and her snarky teenager heading for a beach town for a job opportunity.  When they get there the job opportunity has burned down and great aunt Mavis might have burned down with it.  I don't know where that story was going I only wrote about three chapters.

Of course, until my computer is fixed, the only one I have access to is the 3rd one...  

And that is my post for Writing Wednesday.  Please vote for which story I should be working on, and also tell me the plots because I don't have them figured out yet.

Hopefully next Wednesday, I can say that I actually opened up my writing software and wrote some words...

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