Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Sometimes you are on top of the world, and other times...  

sick relatives

injured guinea pig (I think she poked herself in the eye, vet appointment $$$ tomorrow)

child driver "failed" her first lesson.  She didn't actually fail, but she needs to drive faster than 5 mph...

messy house

broken, what isn't broken in this house?

went to water plants at the community garden I helped build, and couldn't get the hose to work properly which was frustrating

snarky children who won't do their chores and complain they are bored all the time

uncomfortable living room furniture that probably needs to be replaced

unwelcome memories from my past that were triggered and now won't go away.  Does anyone else do that or is it just a me thing?  It doesn't happen very often, but it's irritating when it does

the place we are going on vacation in July is very close to a raging forest fire

I'm not going to break any records on book reading this month...

When does the relaxing part of summer vacation start again?    

ETA: the good news is, since I was weighed at my ear infection appointment in May, and decided this summer I was going to finally lose weight, and stopped eating most foods with unpronounceable ingredients, and chemicals, I've lost 10 pounds.  No, husband, I am not counting calories (as I've said a billion times.)  I'm making better food decisions.  Lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese and yogurt and no chips, crackers, cereal, and being picky about bread. 

 I don't know why it's working, but it's working. Go me.  

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