Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Itinerary: A Review

My review for my first NetGalley book.

 I chose to read this book because the cover looked cute, and the blurb (a grieving woman goes on a tour of Europe) sounded fun.

The book is on the shorter side at about 150 pages which I did not know when I downloaded it to read the copy from NetGalley.

Lisa (Elisabeth) is grieving the loss of both of her parents,  When her dad died, her mom and Lisa had planned a trip to Europe (Italy, Germany, and France to name a few countries) but sadly Lisa's mom died before the trip could happen.  Lisa, armed with her mom's travel guidebook and notes heads off on the trip on her own.  

Along the way, a man comes to Lisa's rescue, and then she encounters him again and again as she travels. Romance ensues.  But who is this guy and why does he keep showing up everywhere?

I enjoyed the travel aspects of the story, and would have liked more details on all the things Lisa was seeing and eating.  The story didn't really dwell on anything, Lisa arrived at a location, found her accommodations, ate food, and then moved on to the next stop on the itinerary. 

I found the romance in the story to be a little too easy/insta-lovey for my taste but the answer to the question about why Lisa keeps running into her romantic interest was satisfying.  I didn't quite connect with the characters as much as I normally like for a romance.  Because the story was so short there really wasn't room for a lot of backstory or details to connect me with the characters.

Now I want to go to Italy and France.  I am glad I read this novel.  Thank NetGalley :)    

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