Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Fun...

 It's been a cruel, difficult, very hard week.  Tax issues, teenager issues, insurance issues, weather was great but today looks like February with all the rain and gloom...

So, to off-set the fact that I would like to crawl back into bed and binge watch cooking shows, and eat junk food, a list of five things that make me happy, in no particular order:

Mail.  The unexpected card/letter, the thing I ordered that is finally arriving on my porch, magazines (currently not subscribed to any, maybe I need to see if any magazines still exist) anything that is not a political flier, ad or bill is welcome.  

New scrapbook stuff and/or books.  I might not take it out of the package or read it right away, but I might look at it adoringly way too often...

Any day where I don't have to put shoes on and leave the house.  Extremely rare that this actually happens these days...

The first day of summer (which to me is the last day of school and not associated with the phase of the moon or whatever is the official start of summer) when all the school texts, emails, app notifications, reminders come to a complete stop.  This year that glorious day is June 18th.

Bees.  Bees just make me happy.  I am thinking of getting a hive, but I can't figure out where to put it in my stupid yard.

And that is my list for Friday.  I hope you are having a better week than I am!

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