Monday, September 4, 2023

Thoughts on Cold Dish


I haven't finished this book yet, I'm on page 107 (of 350 something) but I have some thoughts.  My writing/editing side insists I write them down.  I won't lose my blog like I lose pieces of paper so...

I have watched a few seasons of the show Longmire and enjoyed it.  I don't think that's clouding my judgement, but maybe that's the problem... I cannot unsee Vic as Katee Sackoff, even though in the book she is described as having dark hair and being an Italian goddess.  

I love the setting.  I have only been to Wyoming once for a few hours and have always wanted to go back.  It was snowing, in July, which was both weird and fascinating at the time.

My issues: this novel is written in 1st person.  I don't know if it's just the books I am choosing to read but 1st person is everywhere.  I can't find a YA book to read that is not in 1st person.  I get it, you are supposed to be closer to the character that way, it's hit or miss with me. I miss a good 3rd person novel...  

Because Cold Dish is written from only Walt's POV it just jumps into the story and was a tad confusing.  There's a lot of driving to this town, and then driving to that town... a map would have been helpful with a big X for the dead body.  Not a spoiler as that is literally the first line of the book.  

The dialog in this is confusing because there aren't any dialog tags.  Any.  Not a single said, asked, replied.  None.  The dialog is good, lots of snark, sarcasm, and banter, but confusing when you don't know who started talking first.

One of the characters does not use contractions when they speak.  The main character even mentions this, but (so far) there isn't an explanation.  I kind of like it, at least it makes it easy to figure out who is saying what!

The writer does this thing where he starts a chapter with two characters speaking/interacting, and doesn't reveal who the second character is until a few paragraphs in.  Then (the reader, aka me) has to go back and reread for things to make sense.  With the lack of dialog tags, sometimes I'm still not sure who said what.

So, as of page 107, I can't decide if this is a series I will continue or not.  Does it get better?  The series is on book #17 (or whatever number) so someone must like it.  Maybe I should stick to the show... The ratings for book #2 are slightly higher than book #1.

I think if I had not watched (some) of the show before reading this, I'm not sure I would have picked this up, or made it to page 107.  I'm conflicted...

There's another series I tried, where I hated the main detective, but apparently after book #4 the writing greatly improved (not sure if the main character stopped being a complete jerk as well) which I have hesitated on continuing.  Do I read three mediocre books to get to the good ones, or skip ahead?

I guess we will find out the answer in 250 more pages...

And those are my writer-impeded thoughts so far.  Sometimes I wish I could turn off my writer brain and just enjoy a story for what it is.


Update: as of page 210, I still have the same thoughts.  I think I am willing to (at some point in the very distant future) give book #2 a shot, but I am still struggling.  The story is great, it's the writing choices that are irritating.  

Update #2: Nope, nope, nope.   Page 250, and I'm so confused about who is talking, and don't care anymore about whatever is going on in the plot that I skimmed the last 100 pages.  And I SO wanted to like this book :(   So many, out of nowhere, what just happened moments.  The "must retrieve this person, good thing we know someone who can fly a helicopter, but uh-oh there's a storm coming" scene totally lost me.  I might rewatch the show... the books however, I'm out.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: a List

 Things I am currently obsessed with:

Books about anything ocean related.  Lighthouses-check.  Shipwrecks-check.  Octopuses and whales-check.  Pirates- sort of check.  I (at the moment) really want to read Moby Dick.  I only read parts of it in high school but for some unknown reason I am devising a plan to read all of it, and other sea books.  Make the lists, collect the books, actually read them?  Who knows.  

Audiobooks.  I spent most of the year not wanting to listen to books, now I am all over the listening thing for some reason.  

Checking cookbooks out of the library.  

Carry on my Wayward Son by Kansas.  Stuck in my head endlessly...  

Disasters.  Over the summer the husband was watching some show on airplane crashes and now I'm obsessed.  

Things I am over: 

Sci-fi.  I have been trying...  I read, and was super disappointed by Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty.  Then I tried rereading Cinder, and didn't finish it.  Then I picked up A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet and put it down (again.)  And now I'm listening to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe which I tried to read last year (?) and dnf'd (I am almost finished this time, still not digging it.)  I think there might be one more book in there I am forgetting that I couldn't get into. Is it me, or the books?  Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir is my favorite book ever, and I want to read more sci-fi but I'm not getting anywhere...

The school district has a new app.  So, now instead of getting an email or a phone call about something, I get an email, a text, another email (like a summary of all the emails that day) and an alert on my phone that the app has an update.  It's kind of annoying!

Stuff.  We have too much of it. 

Anyone who wants me to stop what I'm doing, to do something else.  

Summer.  Currently we're in the 70s and I'm fine with that!  Usually I love hot weather, but not this year for some reason.  

Finding an appropriate photo for blog posts no one but me will read.  Maybe I'll find one later...

Friday, September 1, 2023

September Reading Plans

 Series September pile.

Already 68% through the top book, extra thanks to a rainy soccer practice and not being able to read my paper book.  I also forgot my ear thingies and had to listen by holding my phone up to my ear... go me.

Really would like to finish the Sue Grafton series, but the last few books have been not-my-favorite... one book at a time, Brianna.  I will probably listen to this one on audio.

On track with my Scarpetta a month reading, so I would already have been reading this one anyway.

Heartbreak Bay would finish a series.  Also, there's a body part in the title, which counts on some challenge or other I'm working on.

Carnivorous Carnival, on track to finish this series this year.

Inheritance Games, also fulfils a bunch of prompts for something I'm working on.

Well Played... book #2 in a series.  Or loosely related bunch of books.  I'm counting it!

Cold Dish--I've heard really good things about this one, and I liked the show (or the parts I watched, I don't think I finished Longmire.)

And that pretty much covers what I'll be reading in September, minus one book I haven't got my hands on yet.  I read eight books in August (OK. some of them were kind of short...) so nine is totally do-able.  I mean I have a lot of soccer practices and cross country meets so time to not be social and stick my noise in a book.

What are you reading in September?

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