Wednesday, February 1, 2023

February 2023 to-read list

My super ambitious, but kind of made- itself- that- way- because- of- all- the -books- I- checked -out -of- the -library- that -need- to- be- read February 2023 to-read list.  I put all my holds on hold, until I can catch up...


Buzzword reading challenge (a verb in the title) : The Long Walk by Stephen King.  I own this.

Read Your Bookshelf Challenge: complimentary color to my January book (navy blue), which means I needed a book with a weird ugly green color: Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger sort of fits that... also owned.

Beat the Backlist: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson--according to the internets this has a heist plot in it... it is also 500 pages + which I am trying to read more of... Is this book intimidating (fantasy is not my thing) yes.  Do people rave about it?  yes.  Do I want to read at least one thing Brandon Sanderson wrote sometime in my life?  yes.  I own the entire trilogy.

Reading prompt: a book with a heist in it

I didn't put any more Beat the Backlist challenges on this month's list (or my to-read list would be 500 miles long) and because Mistborn is intimidating enough, but if I read something that happens to fit, I'll count it.

Other goals/challenges and book categories:

Things that are not novels:

Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman (poetry)--library book.

Go Back for Murder-- Agatha Christie (play)--library book.

My online book club:

Murder at Mallowan Hall by Colleen Cambridge--library book.


The Reptile Room-- Lemony Snicket--own the entire series.

Body of Evidence-- Patricia Cornwell--owned.

The Lost Fairy Tales--Anna James--library book.

all of those are book #2 in their series...

And finally random books I'd like to get to or finish:

The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera--library book.

Snow Falling on Cedars (which I started in 2022 so doesn't count for any Beat the Backlist prompts...) owned.

Can I read...9, 10, 11...yikes books in February?  I don't know.  Four are on the shorter side... Maybe I'll have two great reading months in a row, it could happen... 

Happy February!

And I forgot: 

which I am listening to on audio.  I think I need an intervention :P  

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