February's subtitle is "well that didn't go as planned." Hoping for a more predictable March...
Graphic novel. I liked the first one. It's sci-fi so it would fill one of the Middle Grade March prompts: middle grade sci-fi.
February's subtitle is "well that didn't go as planned." Hoping for a more predictable March...
Graphic novel. I liked the first one. It's sci-fi so it would fill one of the Middle Grade March prompts: middle grade sci-fi.
My super ambitious, but kind of made- itself- that- way- because- of- all- the -books- I- checked -out -of- the -library- that -need- to- be- read February 2023 to-read list. I put all my holds on hold, until I can catch up...
Buzzword reading challenge (a verb in the title) : The Long Walk by Stephen King. I own this.
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge: complimentary color to my January book (navy blue), which means I needed a book with a weird ugly green color: Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger sort of fits that... also owned.
Beat the Backlist: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson--according to the internets this has a heist plot in it... it is also 500 pages + which I am trying to read more of... Is this book intimidating (fantasy is not my thing) yes. Do people rave about it? yes. Do I want to read at least one thing Brandon Sanderson wrote sometime in my life? yes. I own the entire trilogy.
I didn't put any more Beat the Backlist challenges on this month's list (or my to-read list would be 500 miles long) and because Mistborn is intimidating enough, but if I read something that happens to fit, I'll count it.
Other goals/challenges and book categories:
Things that are not novels:
Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman (poetry)--library book.
Go Back for Murder-- Agatha Christie (play)--library book.
My online book club:
Murder at Mallowan Hall by Colleen Cambridge--library book.
The Reptile Room-- Lemony Snicket--own the entire series.
Body of Evidence-- Patricia Cornwell--owned.
The Lost Fairy Tales--Anna James--library book.
all of those are book #2 in their series...
And finally random books I'd like to get to or finish:
The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera--library book.
Snow Falling on Cedars (which I started in 2022 so doesn't count for any Beat the Backlist prompts...) owned.
Can I read...9, 10, 11...yikes books in February? I don't know. Four are on the shorter side... Maybe I'll have two great reading months in a row, it could happen...
Happy February!
And I forgot:
which I am listening to on audio. I think I need an intervention :P
The second half of January wasn't quite as good as the first half but still pretty great. I read anywhere from 20 to 250 pages a day this month so I can't complain. 4000 pages of my 30,000 page goal this year, down. Woohoo! More on my January reading statistics (because I like them) at the end of this post.
Z for Zachariah--Robert C. O'Brien
This is a young adult story where we are thrown into the world of Ann (16) the only person left alive, after some not-much-info-is- given nuclear event. Ann lives in an isolated valley that was protected from the war, but everything else on the planet is gone. Trees, animals, people... and then one day she spots someone walking towards her house (he is not named Zachariah) and nurses him back to health. I mentioned in a previous post, about the author not finishing this before he died, and I could not pick out which parts he wrote, and which parts he didn't, except maybe the abrupt, wait what happens next? ending. The story was written chronologically sort of in journal format and besides Ann being very insightful and too cliche (this was published in 1974) for being a girl, I enjoyed the story. I like how she went to the store and shopped whenever she needed new clothing, not like anything on TV where the apocalypse happens and takes all the clothing with it. The story was very bleak though, and the ending...
Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- title of the book has a Z in it.
For January overall, I don't know how people can read this much (or more) on a continual basis. It was a lot, and I was lucky I didn't dnf anything, or get into a slump.
I'm proud of myself for reading everything I put on my to-read list (and then some) though, but don't expect to ever do that again... I am also glad the longest month is over (it always feels like January is twice as long as any other month) and I'm ready for February.
January 2023 reading statistics, because if my inner nerd isn't already showing, it is now:
pages read: 4107/30000
fiction/non-fiction: 15/2
adult/ya/mg: 10/2/5
novellas: 0 (and what is a novella anyway, and how does one find them?)
short stories:12 (or one collection...)
plays: 2
graphic novels:1
owned versus borrowed from the library:9-8
books that are part of a series: 6
average rating: 4.01
books owned but not read at the beginning of the year 323? Books owned but not read at the end of the month: 313.
books purchased in January: 1
2023 goals tracking:
things read that were not novels: 4 (the goals was more of these than I read in 2022 not a specific number, so far so good)
live, interactive reading "events" I participated in: 2 (online reading sprints)
novels over 500 pages read: 0
books taking place in New England: 0 (Pennsylvania, Colorado, England, England, England, England,Washington, Fiji... wait My Brother Sam is Dead too place in Massachusetts... OK change that to 1, go me.)
series finished: 0
most read genres: mystery (6), and according to The Storygraph second place is YA (4) but two of those are definitely middle grade, so actually 2nd place is classics (3) this month. That's different.
February to-read list coming soon... stay tuned.
I have started a new blog, with a different blog service. If you are an actual human reading this and not an Asian robot, you can message m...