Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Books of 2022, Stats, Thoughts...

 In 2022 I read 92 books or 28,301 pages.  In 2014 I read 109 books, in 2013 (I was pregnant and we moved, I had an excuse...)  I read 28... You never know how a reading year will go until it's over and too late to do anything about it :P  

Some statistics because this is my favorite part, that other people who read, talk about.   

Best reading month: January--13. Worst reading month: August--3.  

Fiction: 76.  Non-fiction: 16.

Owned versus library: 54-38

audio versus e-books versus physical books:7- 4- 81

Read for the first time versus rereads: 82-10

new-to-me authors: 54 (that's higher than average)

part of a series: 29

series finished: 1

started the year with: 304 books-to-read, ended the year with 325 which was not the plan.  Oops.

Most read genre: thriller--18, mystery--18 (which could be the same books...) and children's--17.  Don't go thinking I read 17 picture books, these were middle grade and had chapters! 

In comparison in 2021 my most read genres were mystery--23, children's--19, and thriller--18.  So, at least I'm consistent...

Most read author: Judith Viorst--4.  Gotta love Lulu...

5 star reads: I'm a scrooge on giving out a full five stars so only Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (reread) got an entire 5 stars.  If I don't think I'll reread a book, buy it, or keep it on my shelves it's hard for me to give five stars. Four new books got 4.75 stars though... and the two I don't own I'd buy if I had the chance...  Last year, I did not give any 1 star ratings (I would only finish a book that bad under special circumstances like it was for a book club...) and only gave two books two stars. My average rating for the year was 4.06 which is typical.  

Favorite books of the year (4.75 stars):

The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl

Short summary: I bought this for the husband but he hasn't read it, he's the Foo Fighter's and Nirvana fan in the house.  Dave Grohl was the drummer for Nirvana, and the singer for Foo Fighter's and this is his life story.  As a non-musical person who can't even whistle, I found it inspiring and fascinating and really well done.  

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

Short summary:  Elizabeth Zott (yes the author uses her full name frequently) is a woman, and a scientist, during the 60s when those things are not commonly found together.  It was just really a fun (and frustrating) story and there's a dog.

The Bookwanderers by Anna James

Short Summary: I'm confused about what this book is actually called... I think the series is Pages and Co, and book #1 is The Book Wanderers... but Tilly and the Book Wanderers in Britain... Anyway, this is a story about a girl, her grandparents, and book characters that come to life.  Really fun series idea. 

Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad by Ann Petry


Short summary: a biography about Harriet Tubman which was written in the 1950s but doesn't read like it.  I learned a ton.

Best of, by category:

graphic novel (of 5): 

short summary: George Takei (of Star Trek fame) was placed in an internment camp during WW2, because he was Japanese, and this is a graphic novel depicting that part of his life.  Really informative and interesting history lesson.

mystery/thriller (of 18):

short summary: this was a really hard to category to choose a book for...  Georgina has been released from prison for assisting/helping/knowing about the murder of her high school friend, and the real killer seems to have resurfaced.  Not a very good summary, just read the book.

Romance (of 10):

short summary: a romance happens during a renaissance festival.  There are three more companion romances to this one I still need to read.

Fantasy but is it really?  

short summary: Scott Carey, no matter what he does, keeps losing weight, and lesbians have moved in down the street... the audiobook was read by the author himself, which I really enjoyed.  

Fantasy which is definitely fantasy ( of 7): 

short summary: see above.

best memoir that is not by Dave Grohl (of 7): 

short summary: Michael J. Fox discusses life with Parkinson's disease and acting and apparently his friendship with Harlan Coben (the author.)  Very inspiring.  


short summary: Stephanie Land discusses life as a maid, trying to raise a child, and the welfare system.  It was hard to choose a very best memoir because they're all so different... so, that's why there are three on this blog post... so sue me.  

best historical (of 13):

short summary: see above.

creepiest book:

short summary: very very creepy non-fiction about Ted Bundy, written by now author, then co-worker Ann Rule who kept in touch even after he was caught. Do not read at night, in the car, or at the creepy park by your house... I also watched a documentary on this guy that was very good.  

book I most want to put on this list that doesn't fit anywhere else:

short summary: Melody might not be able to walk or talk, but she has a lot to say and finally gets the means to say it.  I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel.  

Most glad it's off my shelves/read and which also happens to be the longest book I read in 2022:

short summary: In inherited the second book in this series from my grandma in 2008 and finally found the first one so I could read it and get the second book out of my house. I'm not continuing the series... Elizabeth Middleton arrives in Northern New York state to join her family, during the late 1700s to teach school and soon gets involved in a conflict with the locals.  Both characters from Last of the Mohican's by James Fenimore Cooper, and Outlander by Diana Gabaldon make appearances.  My opinion was it was OK, but way too long (690 pages) much like this short summary.

Least favorite, most disappointing, and did not finishes: 

 If you want to read a book about a father-son plot to steal pheasants, here's your book.  I thought it was boring but I did finish it... I never read this as a kid, so nostalgia was not present.

Could not make myself read to the end of this one.  It's about a boy and a ghost pony, and a kidnapping.  I loved Wonder by the same author, this was 100% nothing like Wonder.

I was really looking forward to this book as it takes place in my home state and I liked the author's previous two books, but I found it just OK.  The main character is a crime blogger that really didn't have much to do with the plot, and there's a ghost which also really didn't add to the plot.  Meh.

The sequel to Bird Box which really didn't answer any questions or add to the story at all. 

A beloved series, I have tried to get into twice, and I just could not do it.  I mean my  local bookstore cat is named after the character... Maisie is trying to set up a detective agency in the years between WW1 and WW2.  I was doing fine with the actual mystery, and then it went into endless backstory mode and I fell asleep.  There are 20+ books so someone likes the series, but that person is not me...

I could not get past the fact that the author of this is male, writing about an 8-year-old girl and there was a scene near the beginning of the book...  Blech.  That particular scene is not in the mini-series, and adds nothing to the plot (I asked around) so if you like chess, watch the show instead.  

And that was my year in books in 2022.  Some hits, some misses and everything in between.  

Bring on 2023.  

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