January, as usual, is starting off the year being a great reading month. Why don't I read this much the rest of the year? It's the weather, the motivation is extra strong in January, and I have to actively remind myself to pick up a book which does get annoying...
I chose this as my first book of the year on purpose, because of the title. I'm snarky that way... Just as great as I remember when I read it back in 2000ish. I never finished the series (not sure why) and am rereading them this year (one per month).
The Baudelaire children find themselves orphaned after their parents die in a fire, and their closest relative, Count Olaf, has plans to get his hands on their fortune. That Count Olaf... The tongue-in-cheek writing style is awesome. Violet invents things, Klaus reads books, and Sunny uses her four teeth to get out of situations. Why can't I write something this clever?
Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- the author uses a pseudonym.

In this episode, Scarpetta, the coroner, investigates a murder while dealing with early 90s stuff like misogyny, and computer issues. The computer stuff was very dated (as you would expect it to be), but there was almost too much info, and quite honestly, that part was a little boring, otherwise I really enjoyed the story.
Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- a book written at least 23 years ago.
A book that is on my shelves that I have no idea where it came from [probably my mom] about the teen novels of the 80s and 90s, my peak reading era. However, I must have been living under a rock because I did not recognize many of the books mentioned in here. I have been meaning to write a blog post about Brianna's reading childhood but haven't done it yet... but the fact that I had never heard of most of these is weird. Maybe because the author is slightly younger than I am, I missed out...

I know I only read Christopher Pike books because I stole them from my younger sister...or was it Christopher Pine, or someone else entirely? Anyway, I enjoyed the book, but am using it almost as a guide and to-read list of books I should have read when I was a tween. Otherwise it was quite nostalgic, informative and humorous.
Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- a book with your least favorite color on the cover. I don't own any pink books... the spine really is pink though.
Chosen because a prompt for one of my reading challenges required either the word 'life' or the word 'death' and I only own two books that contain that word and this is one of them. I hate to admit I don't know a lot about the Revolutionary War... but I learned some stuff. The main character's brother joins the war on the colonist side, while his father tries to stay neutral/errs on the side of the British. Short, and enjoyable considering the subject matter...
Reading prompt: Buzzword challenge-- a book with 'life' or 'death' in the title. Beat the Backlist-- a book that won an award.
I have heard nothing but great things about this one, and my turn on the very long library wish list came up so it went on the January tbr. My first 5 star read of the year, it was excellent.
Tova is grieving the loss of her husband (recently), and son (thirty years ago) while working in an aquarium in the Puget Sound area of Washington. She befriends an octopus (who has his own chapters) and there's a sort of found family. Just pick it up and read it. I am going to have to buy myself a copy...
Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- 2022 debut novel.

Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- your favorite trope.
My first attempt of this year to read things that are not novels. This has been on my e-reader forever, so I thought I'd finally open it. It's a play so I had a slight problem keeping the characters straight in my brain, but otherwise I enjoyed it. I think my high school theatre performed this play once but I don't remember any of it... and I was surprised it was so short. I'm glad I read it, and am debating whether to pay $2.99 to rent the movie from Amazon Prime, it does have Colin Firth (heart emoji) in it...
Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- five word title.
This book is everywhere right now. It's a cozy fantasy, which is THE genre of the moment. An orc decides to open a coffee shop, even though no one in the land has ever heard of coffee before. I enjoyed Viv's setting up the coffee shop, Thimble, the bard guy, and the theme of the story. I'm not totally anti-fantasy but some of the fantasy-esque parts were not explained, which would have helped this fantasy-avoider enjoy the story a little more. Overall, it was good though and I'm glad I read it.
Reading prompt-- Beat the Backlist: a cozy read or cover.
This book that is more like fortune cookies sized ideas for organizing. I nodded my head a lot when reading, but I don't know if any of it will stick... It was just OK but I have read other organizing books that were less...short.
Reading prompt: Beat the Backlist-- non-fiction just for fun.
Currently in progress:
I'm trying to read more things that aren't novels and this is a collection of short stories. It's going slowly but it's fine, nothing to much to say, except I think Sherlock Holmes was snorting cocaine in one of the stories which I didn't expect...
Reading prompt: Read Your Bookshelf Challenge-- a book where the title starts with either A or The.
I'm reading this for my online book club. It's about a dad and daughter living out in the woods for some reason that hasn't been explained yet. I've read about 30% and am really enjoying the story.
Reading prompt... Beat the Backlist--character is keeping a big secret
And that is the first half of January and my reading life. So far, so good.
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