Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Life and Forgotten Blogs

No posts for a month and a half, what? I have been busy turning a year older, kids, sports crap, and life in general that no one is interested in hearing about.  

I have picked up the reading pace in November though.  Lots of audiobooks, which I've kind of been avoiding all year... and Historathan 3.0 is in progress.  I may yet meet my reading goals this year...

I have my 2023 reading goals on the brain though, so here are my ideas:

Pages read not books finished next year.  I have been avoiding longer books and I would like to stop doing that. Also, it would be easier to give up on a book if the pages read still count...  

Thinking of reading my backlog of Stephen King books. I have so many to choose from I have no excuses.  Also, I'm really into New England for some reason (never been there) so that fits into my idea of reading more books set there...

Finish some series.  I am so bad at starting a series and never getting to the end.  I have several in mind and the author's are done writing them, or dead, so that helps.

Join in on more (live) bookish things and read-a-thons.  The anxiety, showing my face in public, speaking out loud... [muttering and cursing go here] but it would be nice to talk to real live people who are not my children, about books... Breathe Brianna, stop that hyperventilating right now!

More graphic novels, short stories, plays, novellas, poetry, and things that are not novel-like pieces of literature.

Read my bookshelves while also using the library more, a goal which contradicts itself... I'm probably about 50/50 on reading what I own versus borrowing from the library.  I would love if that number were more like 40/60 or 30/70 but I'd also need to stop buying books... Yes, I could have worse addictions, the problem is shelf space versus house.  The husband's head will explode if I buy another bookcase. It would also help if I'd put stuff on hold at the library and it would arrive while I'm still in the mood to read it... 

And finally, I've been exclusively using (The) Storygraph this year and love it.  The stats at my fingertips...    There's only one feature on Goodreads I prefer otherwise I'd have deleted it.  I pretty much want to marry Storygraph, and kick GR to the curb... just haven't done it yet.  

And that is what's on my mind recently relating to books.

What's on my mind relating to non-bookish things?  Nothing, nothing at all.   

I guess this post needs a photo...

A really bad photo of a squirrel hanging off my sunflower, taken through my dining room window.  I didn't know they could hang with their creepy little feet like that, but apparently they can.

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