Wednesday, September 28, 2022

October 2022 TBR Stack

As posted to Instagram (not the greatest photo...) the books I could potentially read in October (plus the five library books I checked out yesterday...four thriller/mysteries and a romance)   

The five on the bottom are for BOTM Ketchup-a-thon and what I "built my burger" with.  Long Bright River fit about five of the prompts so I guess I need to read that one first. 

Then after I made this pile, someone on Booktube (Audrey at Chapter and Converse) posted a 3 month reading challenge, which then made me rethink this entire stack...  

Then someone somewhere else mentioned Edgar Allan Poe, so I could throw that on here, and I know there's something else I've had the sudden urge to read, but I can't remember what it was at the moment... wait it was Jane Eyre, so throw that on there too.

Long story short, who knows what I will be reading in October.  It could be this pile, it could be everything but this pile.  My brain, and reading are kind of all over the place right now...

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