Friday, September 2, 2022

September Towering TBR

As posted on Instagram my September tbr.

 If I read even half of these books (plus three not pictured) it will be a good reading month.

From the top:

[virtual book club] library e-book: The Gown by Jennifer Robson?  I have no idea what it is about.

Swan Song by Robert McCammon.  I've been wanting to read this for decades, and I own a copy (it was hard to find too) I'm just going to put it on my tbr every month until I read the stupid thing.  It's about the end of the world as we know it, or something.  It's supposed to be as good, or better, than The Stand by Stephen King and The Stand is one of my favorite books...  I hate this copy, it's hideous, and the font is tiny and annoying...  I 'think' my library finally has a copy of this (as an e-book) which I might try instead.

[Series September]W is for Wasted by Sue Grafton.  I only have 3 books in this series to go...  I am assuming Kinsey is not wasted and does not get wasted since she manages to be in two books after this one.

[Series September] The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman.  Virtual book club book for July that I started and got lost because it introduces so many characters in the first few chapters... I need to give it another chance.

[Series September, library book] Blindsighted by Karin Slaughter.  Not my first Karin Slaughter book. Read more Karin Slaughter was one of my 2022 goals.

[library book] The Island by Adrian McKinty.  Random library impulse check-out...  

[library book] Just a Geek by Wil Wheaton.  Another random library book.  This apparently is my year for autobiographies...

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides.  The book has water damage, so I was reading it last summer while floating in the kids' pool... should probably get back to it.

The One I Left Behind by Jennifer McMahon.  Another one of the author's I wanted to try this year/read more of, since I own two of her books.  There's a serial killer in it.

1776 by David McCullough.  I found this at a free little library a few years ago and I'm tired of looking at it.  

 In my car: The Guest List by Lucy Foley.  I've read about 2/3 so far, and am enjoying it.

On hold at the library: [Series September] The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley.  I have checked this book out three times and never actually read it, this time I am going to at least crack it open.  Also, because the author died, it is impossible to find a copy of this book for a reasonable price, hence the library again... 

[Series September] Wolfhunt Lake, Wolfpack Lake, Wolfbite Lake... something like that by Rachel Caine.  I've read the first two (of five) and would like to finish the series* The story about a woman who finds out she is married to a serial killer.  I was going to say something about the author dying recently, and then I realized there are four of those on this list, weird.  

And if you counted, that's 13 books on my tbr this month... like I said, I probably will not read even half of these.  I'm kind of into serial killers, brutal crimes, and all things murder recently and a lot of this list fits that mood so who knows...   

* Hi, I'm Brianna, I like to read the first book in a series and never read another book in the series.**  I have no idea why I do that... I can probably list off the series I have actually finished in my life, on one hand, it's kind of pathetic...

**Upon further introspection, I do this with authors too... Read one book, enjoy it, don't read their other books (but not quite to the extent I do with series.)  An author I like writes a new book, do I go out and buy it?  Nope, I let it age for 5-15 years first.  Wow, I'm annoying! Note to self: in 2023 maybe you should make it a goal or a challenge to repeat authors.

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