Friday, September 2, 2022

Happy Friday?


So far today, I have sent an email notifying my 3rd grader's teacher he will be walking home with his sister so I can go to a cross country meet at 3:00.  Then this happened:

I'm bringing snacks which I needed to buy at the store. 

Then the meet was canceled due to no bus driver (if this was football, there would be a bus driver!) so I didn't need to bring snacks.

Then it was uncanceled with 'all parents on deck,' to get 60 kids to the meet in our own cars.  So, yes I did need snacks and I also needed to clean it out my car so no teenagers roll their eyes too hard at having to be transported in my mom-mobile, and are too injured to run in the race.

Then they found a bus driver, but had to leave two hours earlier than planned. so I'm now bringing snacks, but no kids.  Good thing I never got around to cleaning out my car...

Meanwhile, all these emails and text canceling and uncancelings are coming in with a background noise that sounds kind of like Scuttle from The Little Mermaid warming up...  

I don't know what kind of bird my neighbors have on the other side of the hedge, but I hope it's not permanent.  If I have to keep my windows closed so I don't have to listen to some kind of chicken gagging for the rest of my life, I'm not going to be a very happy neighbor. 

I'd say, yay it's Friday, except I'm too busy Googling whatever is making that horrible noise to enjoy it.  

It's...been...a...week.  That's for sure.

Picture of me reading my book at the cross country meet in peace and quiet (I'm being sarcastic) coming soon.

Really, it sounds like a cross between a turkey, a cat being tortured, and someone yodeling.  

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