Monday, April 18, 2022

Life is Better at the Lake

More thoughts than my instagram posts here and here.

The kidlets had a three-day weekend so we rented a cabin in the mountains and ignored spring parent teacher conferences (optional anyway) to play board games, pretend to fish (didn't catch anything as usual) and read for three days.  Relaxation at it's finest.  

MC Escher house.  The kids reaaaaally wanted to throw stuff over the rail.  Mean mom said no!  

Several deer spottings, including one running in front of the car on the way home...

Optimistic board game pile.  We played about half of them...

I need one of these.


Moody teenager on some rocks.  I also have photos of moody teenager indoors, in the yard, watching TV, drawing and reading.  It's a whole series.

I think this looks like a jigsaw puzzle photo...

In case we forgot we were in Sasquatch territory... and DB Cooper country (there was a poster).  Conspiracy theory of mine: they're the same person :P  

In my worst John Denver impression: Country roads take me home...

We found Bigfoot, right outside the kitchen window!

Who cares about  the no-fish fishing luck when there's a mountain to stare at.  

Fog/clouds/moody weather.  

I wish my living room was this clean...  I read some of this book but decided my brain needed to read something else for a while.

Started and finished this.  When in a house in the woods, read a book about someone killed in the woods.  Perfect!  Photographed with really horrible coffee (my fault, unfamiliar coffee maker and powdered creamer).

The Fury of Dracula in progress, Dracula won.  

Sub Terra.  We did not escape the cave.  

The Easter bunny found us even though we weren't at home and didn't bring Easter baskets... the Easter bunny is amazing (if I do say so myself).  

It was nice to stay in a house that I didn't look around and think I needed to clean all day...  and we had a great trip.

Other random stuff:

Vacations always make me come home thinking we have way too much stuff... but on vacation we don't have to pay bills, do laundry, or all the other things all that extra "stuff" is used for...

The kids were amazed how the house we stayed in was so clean... of course then came home and left wrappers and cups on every surface.  Grrr.

The dishwasher there actually cleaned the dishes... why can't mine do that?

I don't like gas appliances.  I kept thinking I was going to blow the house up every time I used the oven.  

I always say I want to retire at the beach, but now I'm reconsidering... lake houses don't have tsunami warnings, plus I wouldn't need to put in a pool.

Today, is catch up on all the stuff we didn't do while we were gone day, plus it's pouring.  When is my next vacation?

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