Tuesday, April 12, 2022

For My Own Future Amusement

Because no one cares about other people's weather stories.  This one is for me.  I wish I'd gotten a better picture... 

I was today year's old the first time I went outside to take a picture of it snowing, after it stopped hailing, and it was thundering...  and now it's sunny, the sky is blue, and it's 41 degrees. 

The July I was sixteen, we were driving through Yellowstone, and it was snowing has been knocked off the top of my weird weather experience list.  

Go home and sleep it off weather, it's April, not January!  

#ihatewinter #whathappenedtospring? #imcold

I also found out today what happens when you drop a gallon of milk on the kitchen floor... it's not pretty.  Highly do not recommend.  No stars.

#weneedabiggermop #whatamess #stupidhamthatfelloutofthefridgeandmademedropthemilk

No coordinating post on Instagram, I was just having fun making up hashtags.

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