Tuesday, March 22, 2022

To Everything There is a Season: Spring

To everything there is a season, but am I quoting The Bible or The Birds?  No one knows but me ;)  

I wanted to do some kind of monthly what I'm doing sort of post but I'm not sure I'm interesting enough to do one every month, so for now it will be seasonally.   

What I'm up to Spring 2022 Edition:

Reading: Middle-grade, it is middle grade March...  Specifically, Winnie-the-Pooh (read-aloud with the eight-year-old), instagram post. also Pony by R.J. Palacio for the group read for MGM. 

Eating:  Trying not to as my jaw hurts on one side when I chew.   Doctor Internet says it could be my sinuses, or my wisdom teeth.  The last time I checked, my wisdom teeth (I only have the top ones, genetics are fun...) were so far into my skull they'd need dynamite to get them out, so I hope it's just my sinuses being stupid.  

Wearing: everyday I feel like Mr. Rogers as I remove my rainproof coat when I get inside the house, and put on my sweater. Oh, March you're hilarious... 

Creating:  Other than staring at my computer screen waiting for words to come out, I've been messing around with my scrapbook supplies.  Much easier since they're back downstairs and not in my bedroom... the long sad story of too many kids, not enough house.  

Listening: Where Did You Go by One Less Reason has been in constant repeat in my head so I guess that's the answer.

Watching:  The kids are watching The Wonder Years.  As an adult I find Kevin yelling all the time  annoying and painful (and to think when I was eleven I used to have Fred Savage pictures taped to my bedroom wall...).  Otherwise, I'm in between shows... Got any recommendations?

Playing:  We played Azul last weekend, and I still can't get enough of Wingspan.  I think the Azul pieces look like Starburst...  

Waiting: for Spring Break in a week and a half.   

Adulting: picking up my curbside grocery order today, yay food, probably should fill the gas tank before it gets more expensive ($4.65 a gallon) and I should probably submit my taxes...  

The End(ing):  until the next season.

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