Monday, March 14, 2022

Spring of the Reluctant Writer


First we start a blog, then we forget we started a blog...  then we remember we didn't tell anyone we started a blog so there's not accountability to actual write anything on it.  I, I mean we, should fix that...

Meanwhile, in writingland maybe my next story will be about being a mom during a pandemic.  Just  as exciting as  being a mom in regular times, only with more germs, and a bread machine.  

It has been an interesting last two years that is all I want to say about that.

Now about the writing-- everytime I think I have an idea it turns into the same story.  Some woman vaguely my age, somehow acquires, through weird circumstances because she can't actually afford to buy it on her own, a fantastic house.  I get a few chapters written and then realize I don't have an actual plot...  

The other day while I was working on some genealogy thing,  I thought of a mystery story involving trying to find a great-aunt who was married at least six times (nope, not based on my real great-aunt the serial marry-er, nuh-uh)  but then as I was plotting in my head it evolved into acquiring a house again...

Writing Muse can we just stop with the acquiring a house story thing?  I've probably tried to write that story ten times in the last decade and it never goes anywhere. Please send me something else.  A new idea.  Not involving a house.   No houses.  I don't care if it's beautiful, and old, and neglected, and just needs to be loved, and if it only had the right owner--stop it.  No more house stories!

The end, until I remember I have a blog again in a few weeks...  

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