Monday, May 20, 2024

Recent Reads

I finished two books recently, and the reading experience can tell you a lot.  The Shadowy Horses took me 14 days to read.  I finished The Last House on the street in two days.

I enjoyed the Susanna Kearsley book, but by the last 100 pages (of 400) I was ready for it to be over already.  I enjoyed the archaeology parts, but the actual plot was slow.  Not a lot happened, and the big reveal was kind of meh.  I will read the other book by the author that is on my shelves, but not right now.

The story is about an archaeology dig in Scotland in the late 1990s, a lost Roman army, and ghosts.  

The Last House on the Street however, is my 4th or 5th Diane Chamberlain book, and I am looking forward to reading her other 20 or so books asap. I flew threw this because it had shorter chapters, alternating POVS, and stuff kept happening.  I now might have a book hangover, it was so good.  If all books were like this one, I'd read 200 books a year...

The story is about the SCOPE project, which helped registered African American people to vote in 1965, and two seemingly unrelated characters one who lived on the street when she was younger, and one who just built a house on the street in a new development in current times.

If it's not obvious, I highly recommend the Diane Chamberlain book.  

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