Friday, May 10, 2024

Fun Friday

Things I have done this week --needing to feel accomplished...

Taken the guinea pig to the vet, and done 4/10 days of antibiotics (fun, love giving cats pills?  Try giving a guinea pig liquid from a syringe) twice a day.

Dropped off a birthday present at a friend's house

Taken a kid to his yearly doctor appointment

Taken K#3 to an AP test, which was not at his school for some reason

Grocery shopped

Bought stuff for the 4th grader's school carnival

Bought stuff for the 4th grader's teacher's snack hoard

Took the oldest to driving class

Went to the grocery store while I waited during driving class (so if you are counting, I've been to the grocery store three times this week and counting.) Having someone else teach her to drive is worth every penny.

Slugs ate all my cucumber and zucchini plants, so I put out slug traps, and bought replacement plants (I grew the originals from seeds.)

Bought my mom's Mother's Day present (she's coming over today.)

Sold two books on Pango, wrapped them up, and mailed them.

Did a lot of yardwork as it finally stopped raining and went from mid 50s to almost 80 degrees overnight.

Wondered how it can be May 10th already, May just started...


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