Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I'm Baaaack

 I took a detour with a new blog, but Singaporian and Hong Kong robots found it and that was creepy.  I prefer humans not read my blog if I'm going to write one... anyone alive out there?

 So, I am going back to this blog, because... I can.  Reading and writing focused (not that I am doing much writing lately...) and nerd (me) centric.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over etc, but I can't find an online way of socializing (or talking about myself) that isn't algorithm and video based except blogs (which no one reads.) I like written words, not videos.  I guess I am insane...

Life in spring 2024:

Working on my last read for Middle Grade March:

Listening to it.  It's narrated by Danny DeVito.  I enjoyed The One and Only Ivan, so learning about Bob is fun.

Getting over a cold.

Watching my garden start to sprout.

Trying to get motivated to be creative.

Eating toast.

That is all.  

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Dear Readers--

 I have started a new blog, with a different blog service. If you are an actual human reading this and not an Asian robot, you can message m...