Friday, March 29, 2024

April 2024 TBR

 Author-of-the-month: John Irving.  This would be my 3rd book by him.

Amari and the Night Brother's: carry-over from March tbr.  Would start another series though...

You've Been Volunteered: 2nd book in a series (making progress).

Yours Truly: series progress goal.

The Last House on the Street: no reason, just want to read it.  Love the author.

The Bodyguard: again, just heard about it and want to read it.  

Spaced Out: series progress goal.  Book #2 of 3.

The Secret Book and Scone Society: have checked this book out three times, this time I might actually read it... of course it would mean starting yet another series...

How to Raise and Elephant: series progress goal.  This is the 19th book in the series?

One-hit-Wonder: tbr carryover from February I think.  There also might be a prompt on a reading challenge having to do with music that this was going to count for...

The Lifeboat: ocean book reading goal (#4 of 12)

And there are two on the way to the hold shelf at my library, that are not included, plus Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline (audio) on my phone (which would finish a duology/series...)

Wish me luck in April!  

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I'm Baaaack

 I took a detour with a new blog, but Singaporian and Hong Kong robots found it and that was creepy.  I prefer humans not read my blog if I'm going to write one... anyone alive out there?

 So, I am going back to this blog, because... I can.  Reading and writing focused (not that I am doing much writing lately...) and nerd (me) centric.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over etc, but I can't find an online way of socializing (or talking about myself) that isn't algorithm and video based except blogs (which no one reads.) I like written words, not videos.  I guess I am insane...

Life in spring 2024:

Working on my last read for Middle Grade March:

Listening to it.  It's narrated by Danny DeVito.  I enjoyed The One and Only Ivan, so learning about Bob is fun.

Getting over a cold.

Watching my garden start to sprout.

Trying to get motivated to be creative.

Eating toast.

That is all.  

Dear Readers--

 I have started a new blog, with a different blog service. If you are an actual human reading this and not an Asian robot, you can message m...