Wednesday, April 12, 2023

To Everything There is a Season: Spring 2023

 Reading:  Mistborn.  Yes, still.  I'm on page 120 something. Good, but I swear there are three times as many words on each page as a normal book. 

Writing: I was on a writing binge last week, but got sidetracked by life mainly family members walking into a room, declaring it's a disaster, and then leaving without cleaning anything.  Nothing ruins my writing mood more than being cranky.

Eating: I can't get enough jalapeno artichoke dip and tortilla chips lately.  

Lamenting: the stupid weather.  It's almost the middle of April, there was a chance of snow last night and I had slush on my windshield this morning.  I can't garden with winter gloves on, come on sun, I know you exist!  According to a weather website, on April 26th we'll hit 60 degrees.  Two more weeks...

Listening:  to nothing new, I made a playlist last year, and it's still awesome.

Creating: I bought a sublimation printer, but the stuff to use with it is still being shipped.  Also, I don't have anywhere to put it...

Watching: CSI: Las Vegas with the husband, and Top Gear (the American one) with the family.  Adam cracks me up...

Wishing: spring would get here, and my house would clean itself.

Looking forward to:  summer vacation.  There is only one holiday between now and the end of the school year (June 20th?) which is definitely makes the end of the year ten very long weeks...  My high school and middle school kids have this Friday off (spring conferences), but the elementary kid does not which is kind of stupid.   

And that is my 'ing' life as of April 12th.  I'm going to put my shoes back on, it's cold in here...


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