It's almost my favorite time of the bookish year, when everyone is posting their goals for next year, and their stats from last year, and I can make up ridiculous goals for myself that I'll probably never meet but I like keeping myself accountable/ challenging myself.
Did I meet any of my 2022 goals? See previous post.
I present my 2023 reading goals. They're written in pen so I guess they're here to stay.
I would like to stop avoiding longer books, at least three times!
More bookish things that are not plain old novels. Bring on the graphic novels, plays, poems, short stories, novellas etc. I'm including audiobooks because I've been neglecting them. No set number of any of these, just more than 2022 which in some cases would be uno...
Finish three series. I have three in mind, but any three will do.
Read more books set in the six states that compromise New England on the map I found online (Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachussetts.) I rolled my plan to read more Stephen King in here.
Participate, ten times. That means, book clubs, buddy reads, book club chats, reading sprints (if I can catch them live), and other events where other people are involved.
The Buzzword and Beat the Backlist challenges.
And then there are the unlisted informal, goals only in my head, that didn't make the planner page. Such as reading 30,000 pages, trying really hard to only read what I already own, and filling out my planner.
On the bottom (in pencil) where it says owned tbr. Whatever that number is on January 1st, should be lower on December 31st. This year started at 304, and is currently at 312ish... In my defense, my older two children get 12 books for advent (each) and some of them I went on my tbr to borrow later, so that didn't help...
I have 10 books in a special pile right now, that if I don't have any urge to pick up in the coming months, at the end of the year they're gone. One I've owned since before we moved to this house which is going on 10 years, yikes.
Less book buying, and more shopping my shelves and put things on hold at the library unless I need something for a bookclub and the wait list is a hundred miles long.
More classics. But I probably won't, so I probably shouldn't even put that out there...
Is is January yet?
Photo credit to The Bookworm Life Planner (peanutbuttertaco on Etsy) for the awesome goal page.
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