Saturday, August 27, 2022

What a Week...

Yesterday's adventures.  I like the composition of this one.  When someone leaves their toy at the playground, take photos of it.

 This park is probably my favorite one in our area.  If you go to the farthest parking lot you basically have the river to yourself.  In August, it's shallow and no one is going to fall in and drown.  And it's pretty. I also have a county park parking pass, so it was free :)  

On the way home, we stopped at Wilco (farm supply store) because it was on the way, and we don't have a store like that any closer (didn't find what I needed though) and there's a used bookstore in the same parking lot.  Score!

I'd never been in there, but the prices were not too bad.  I, of course, not expecting to go the bookstore, did not bring a list and got book author amnesia the second I stepped in the door, but still managed to find something.  I added quite a few books to my collection this month, I might have to make a separate blog post on those... 

In my defense, on Thursday I also went to all the free little libraries near me and dropped off 3-4 books in each  I was disappointed to see my favorite one is not there anymore though :(  

On to the real post:

OMG do I hate the last two weeks before school starts.  

One kid whining we didn't do anything fun all summer  and then refusing to leave the house to do said fun things, 13-year-olds...

Cross country practice is in full swing, including a special 'midnight run' tonight.  It's not a fundraiser this year (that's next week) so we might skip it.  

The CC fundraiser wants the phone numbers of 25 of our closest friends and family (per kid) to spam and ask for money.  I don't think I know that many people and no I'm not giving away their phone numbers.  Kudos to those that can do that, I'd rather donate the money myself...

There's a mandatory in-person 'sports parent' meeting next week... you know they could send the info in an email and not make everyone go in person...  

Schedule issues for the high school senior.  Still sorting out that mess... the good news, if she decides to take intermediate orchestra (again, for the fourth time, will probably be bored though) and not advanced, and her community college class is online and not in person that is so much less driving for me.  Trust me, I already practically live in the car during the school year, any less driving I have to do is +++  

Ironically, my younger high schooler is still in advanced orchestra, and would prefer not to be...

The college class my senior switched into so its not meeting in person during her high school math class, is 17th and 18th century British literature.  Yeah, that's going to be a fun one.  It was online only, and not full yet, 🤷‍♂️ 

My nine-year old's soccer team does not have a coach, games start soon.  No, I can't coach for various reasons mainly I'm already doing about 10,000 things this fall.  Also see below...

I had a doctor appointment this week and had an x-ray on my back.  I already had a back problem diagnosis a few years ago, now I have a second issue.  Yay.  And of course neither of those was why I made the appointment in the first place.  Back issue tic-tac-toe anyone?  

The nine-year-old had Back-to-School night this week, his teacher is one we had previously with a different kid, but its been so long, I don't remember anything about that year (2014.)  Room 9 here comes M...  

I put a bunch of stuff on my local Buy-Nothing and 8 of 11 didn't flake out on me or were snapped up right away.  Yay to less crap* in the house.  *Not really crap, I gave away some great stuff.  

Anything else?  Probably.  It was a long week, and school hasn't even started yet.

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