Saturday, August 6, 2022

That Post Vacation Blah Feeling

More photos coming soon...

It's that...

time when we come home from our awesome vacation, and don't have any food in the house

want to sell everything, why do we have so much stuff?

download 500+ photos and realize we didn't take nearly enough, I still have to download my phone camera...

are planning our next vacation asap

are searching beach real estate and pondering how long it would take to sell our house and do a complete lifestyle change, who needs a job...

really need to go on a diet... the place we went had at least five bakeries, forty-seven ice cream shops, and a candy store...

other "fun facts" from our trip away:

A bouncy rock that might have been a golf ball hit the car windshield about twenty minutes after we left the house at 70 mph and didn't break anything, and on the way home we almost hit a coyote (no roadrunner though)

guinea pigs are horrible backseat drivers

more stuff flew off vehicles on this trip (golf ball/rock, trash from a garbage truck, giant piece of tree bark...) than any five days in my entire life

we didn't arrange for anyone to water the garden while we were gone and it's still alive

I take back everything I said about wanting a lake house, who cares about tsunamis, I'm retiring at the beach

I brought four books on the trip and didn't finish a single one

While we were gone, I had over 600 spam emails (on one account), no one read my blog, and our house didn't burn down.  I always expect to pull into the driveway to a smoldering pile of house... no idea why.  A house a block over from us, did however burn down while we were away.  From what I read online from a neighbor, it was arson :(    

My youngest child turned nine while we were on vacation, best nine year old ever...

the husband now wants to go razor clamming, it's a fall/winter event

I walked 12-14,000 steps every day of our vacation... a normal day at home is 8000.  If I had a beach in my neighborhood (the closest thing to walk to here is McDonald's, and the gas station the irony...) I'd probably be the healthiest mom on the planet.

Today's plans: brave Costco to go look at laptops, pick up groceries, gaze longingly at vacation photos and wonder why we had to go home...

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