Thursday, August 11, 2022

Garden Life

The pumpkin plant is trying to take over the world yard.  This is one of two large pumpkins on there, and the vine is halfway across the yard.  We should all be so ambitious...

The bees are loving the sunflowers.  Look at those pollen sacks.

From an upstairs window... it's too tall to get a good photo from the ground.

 And it's almost tomato time.  I lost whatever it was I wrote down what I planted where so I don't know what kind this is...  The pear tomatoes won the ripe-first contest, but this one's getting there.

And the zucchini don't get a photo because they still haven't produced a single thing.  Slackers. 

Sorry for the lack of book posts future me.  You are sort of in a reading slump.  Writing thumbs up, reading not so thumbs up...

My fifteen-year-old discovered the blog after I left it open on the computer (hi A!) so now I have to actually write something great.  Maybe tomorrow... What are words again?  

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