Monday, July 25, 2022

The Quietude Life

Photo coming soon.

The things I have to do to get some privacy in this house.  Yes, I do sometimes sit behind a giant piece of cardboard when I'm writing.  My artsy kid painted it for me, and now it has rainbows.

 I might need to choose a different 'tude' word for my Instagram and blog.  Quietude seems to be not happening very much lately.

The Fortress of: 

Attitude, that might be fun, I do have teenagers so have plenty of that to go around.

 Promptitude. Well, I am punctual...

Ineptitude.  Yes, I am very inept at many things, sports anyone?  

Crassitude.  That ones just a fun word...  

Turpitude.  No idea what this one actually means.  What's a turp?

Vicissitude (an unforeseen change in circumstances) Yeah, no, none of that please.  

Finitude (the quality of being finite) well, there is only one of me, so yes.

Incertitude (absence of confidence, doubt)  Yep.

Pulchritude (great physical beauty and appeal) Nope, and that word looks hideous.

Hebetude (mental lethargy) Sometimes... until the coffee starts to work.

Hermitude.  Self-explanatory.   Possibly... I do love a good hermit.

Suckitude I can't even... this might be my new favorite word.

Anxietude-- My life story.

Longitude: it's 122, but that isn't a very exciting name for a blog...

Pinguitude.  That's a word?  Trying not to be, thank you very much.  Stupid delicious food.

Crapitude.  Now we're just making words up, are we?

Wedgitude.  Huh?

Solitude.  Let me tell you about solitude! I was going to use this word originally for my Instagram/blog because of-- (I think I know what photo I'm going to use for this post now, if I can find it...)-- but turns out Superman already used it... it is a nice word though.  

Because of Covid, the husband working from home (they keep postponing him going back in), and four kids it has been 864 days since I have been alone. Someone is always here, needing something. Occasionally, I go to pick up groceries and get 1/2 an hour in the car by myself, but that's about it.  To just sit and do whatever I want... I don't remember what that feels like... Solitude is underappreciated.   

Humilitude.  Who me?

I think I'll take my attitude and my anxietude and my ineptitude, and go be a hermitude... in my Fortress of non-tranquility.  Maybe my quietude will return someday...  

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