Thursday, June 9, 2022

To Everything There is a Season: Summer

We've had a really really cold wet rainy spring.  Like for every day of nice weather we get six days of epic rain (usually on the weekend...)  Most of my garden is way behind where it usually is at this time of year, but the peas (see picture) are loving it. So is the stupid lawn, which needs to be mowed way more than usual right now but if I mow both the front and back on the same day it takes about 1/2 an hour and it counts (according to my fitness tracker) as exercise so yay jungle-lawn.

The above photo is not the greatest but we had to rabbit proof the garden this year and it's also Brianna-proof...  I'm going to have to come up with something different next year.  The slugs are out-of-control this year too :(  

Anyway, no it's not officially summer yet, but in my brain June is summer so...

Reading: Yes.  All the things.  Or wanting to read all the things.  Actually reading all the things not so much. The last two weeks of school are crazy...Soon, I will have all the time in the world and no excuses.  Currently reading: Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe for one of my book clubs. 

Writing: Yes, at least I did yesterday.  

Eating: It's almost watermelon season (my favorite fruit) otherwise whatever is easiest.  These sorbet things from Costco that come in a fruit husk... I don't like the coconut ones as much, but the pink ones in the lemon peel are delicious.

Wearing:  Layers.  It's still not warm enough to ditch the hoodies, and too wet for flip flops.  

Creating:  I checked out a book from the library on knitting cables... I also want to finally learn to crochet and then the yarn-craft universe will be mine mine mine.  

I hope, once the kids are out of school and I'm not their personal taxi-service, I can unbury my craft table and get some stuff done.

Listening: Not much, maybe not having music going is why my creativity has vanished...

Watching:  Bluebloods.  It's something to watch.  I was also watching Bridgerton but got distracted by the dude from New Kids on the Block ;) 

Playing:  Mariokart!  I finally got the husband to put the Wii on the upstairs TV so I can play it again--all the upconverting [to whatever complicated mess, why can't we just have a normal TV without seventeen different things attached to it?] --on the downstairs TV was making the screen super bright and hard to see.  

We also played about six games of Lost Ruins of Arnak before taking it back to the library.  I actually won twice, go me.

Waiting: For summer vacation.  One kid is done with school today, the other three are done next Thursday. The district is taking all the i-pads, laptops, and Chromebooks back for the summer (starting today) so I'm not sure what they're going to do for the last week of school.  Finals on paper?  What is this 1996?

We're supposed to go see the in-laws in July.

Looking forward to warm(er) weather (not 110 degrees like last summer), not having to get up at 5:45 (I probably will anyway...) not seeing the high school parking lot for three months, all the summer stuff... like the sun, the pool, the beach, raspberries... 

That I've already had Covid so (for now) I'm immune.

Dreading: listening to my neighbor's creepy drunk son who lives in his RV in the driveway, and his screechy woodworking tools, whenever I go outside.

One of my kids is having foot surgery and will not very mobile for six weeks.

The price of gas, I think it was $5.50 the last time I was at the gas station :(

Kids with a million choices of things to do, complaining they're bored.

The fall, because I'm not ready to have a high school senior!

Adulting:  Yes, unfortunately, I need to do something about that...

The End(ing):  until fall anyway.

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