Maisie Dobbs...
Set right after World War One and before World War Two
Female detective starts her own agency
294 pages, so on the shorter side
On my "22 authors to try in 2022" list, which annoys me, because checking off that list was my main goal this reading year...
This was my second attempt to read this book. I'm not sure when the first attempt was, but the book was published in 2003 and I don't think any more, or very few, of the series, were published at the time.
It took me 3 days to read 66 pages (about an hour and a fifteen minutes of reading time) and then the plot jumped back in time and the Maisies's origin story began, and I just didn't care.
In comparison, I picked up a different book and read 25 pages in about a half hour and didn't yawn once.
Part of the reading slowness was trying to decipher one of the characters accents...
I was interested when she was stalking the wife trying to find out where she went all day, but otherwise I was just plain old bored.
Sorry, Maisie, I know you are beloved, but I just couldn't make myself keep going.
People love this series, so the problem is probably all me. I mean even the cover says "prepare to be astonished" --the New York Times Book Review. I was astonished I didn't like this book, so I guess they were correct.
May starts with a DNF, yay.
Commence bookworm guilt now...
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